Pikler® crawling box / platform
a series of three pieces of different sizes that are to be used independently. They may be used turned up or down, i.e. as a box or a platform
to whom and When we recommend it
When an infant is able to turn onto her stomach and back again, can prop herself up on her arms in the prone position, and starts travelling, and perhaps already has some experience with the climbing cushion (a flat, hard cushion that provides opportunities to practice climbing over) as well, the box may get her interest.
how we recommend it
We recommend that acquaintance with the box/platform should begin with the smallest, lowest unit. A sloping plank can later be linked up to the platform, which will provide new challenges to crawling children.
They can put things into and take things out of the box. They can climb or step in and might as well play while sitting in it. With these low-height gross motor pieces the children occupy themselves for a long time, sometimes for weeks, practicing how to crawl in and out head first by shifting their centre of gravity and more and more finely coordinating the movements of their limbs. The crawling box / platform must therefore be positioned in such a manner that there be enough space surrounding it to support all those activities. More details about this can be found under the triangular ladder.
Children often put their toys on the platform and then sweep or take them off. They can use the horizontal surface well. Sometimes they use the platform as a podium or a stage; they climb onto it and then climb down, and the older ones may even stand up on top of it.