working group
Members of the Woodworks Working Group in a meeting in 2016 at the Pikler® House
The Woodworks Working Group is a group of professionals representing the Pikler® House and three official Pikler® children’s furniture and equipment manufacturers: Basisgemeinde (DE), Plackner Spielzugmacher (AT) and Ergokids (ES). One of the most important goals of this group is to ensure the highest quality of the official Pikler® children’s furniture and equipment, taking full account of the pedagogical aspects as well.
Following from the regular meetings of the Woodworks Group, the Pikler® House team created a Pedagogical Guide. Customers who buy official furniture or equipment from one of the sellers listed in this website will receive access to this guide. We hope that this will help parents/professional use the equipment and furniture as intended.
In addition, manufacturers represented in the Woodworks Working Group take an active role in the accreditation process of candidate manufacturers. They offer professional assistance and monitor the quality of sample items to ensure that new official Pikler® children’s furniture and equipment manufacturers can continue to deliver the highest standards customers are used to.
We hope that the efforts of the Woodworks Working Group will result in more and more official Pikler® children’s furniture and gross motor equipment and that the number of poor quality imitations will decrease accordingly.