Pikler® gabi platform
An equipment consisting of two smaller platforms of different sizes, and slopes of various surfaces, which can be combined in various ways
to whom and When we recommend it
When we have a smaller playing area the dimensions of which do not allow the proper use of the crawling boxes/platforms due to their size, we recommend the use of the Gabi platform instead.
how we recommend it
The different parts of the Gabi platform can be assembled in various ways, with the options to have the slopes attached to a side of the platforms. Attaching the shorter and the longer pieces of the platform to each other, a larger surface can be created, onto which the children initially creep or crawl up, they can turn around on top of it, and later they also enjoy taking steps on it. They run up and down the slanted surfaces, slide down on it as well as rolling different objects up and down the slope. The surface of the slanted slope that connects to the Gabi platform – which can be smooth or carpeted – provides new challenges to crawling children with regards to their sense of balance and their posture.