Pikler® labyrinth
Gross motor equipment originally designed for creeping and crawling children, but older children also enjoy using it
The Pikler labyrinth consists of three elements: a long and a short piece with bars, and a short, closed piece. They can be used in different variations corresponding with the children’s stage of motor development, combined in an “I”, “L” or “Z” shape.
to whom and When we recommend it
Children can experience all the joys of creeping in, creeping through, crawling in, and crawling through the labyrinth. The bars on the sides enable them to see out. In the course of using the equipment, their movement becomes more coordinated and sophisticated. Their perception of space also develops in this versatile device, in one end of which a child can even stand up.
Hiding in the labyrinth, they also enjoy taking a rest. Sometimes they roll balls through or hide a doll in it – instead of doing those things themselves. When children start practicing how to stand up, they enjoy kneeling and standing up holding onto the bars of the labyrinth from the outside, and also supporting themselves by leaning on the top. Standing next to it, they play by putting their toys on the top, spreading them all over or dropping some through the hole. The older ones reach over and grab the opposite side of the labyrinth with both hands, pulling themselves up on top by sliding on their tummy. Others pull themselves or crawl along lengthways, crawling into the hole from above. They practice numerous balance positions.
how we recommend it
Initially, the longer element with bars is recommended for children who are just getting acquainted with the labyrinth, after which the short element with bars can be added, fastened to one of the openings on the side, and finally the short, closed element can be added to the opening on the opposite side. For the sake of the safe use of the labyrinth, it is important to fasten the pieces together well, placing the entire structure on a non-slippery surface. When, in a group situation, children stand up on top of the labyrinth, it may become dangerous. At that point, further use of the labyrinth is not recommended.